Editor: Ms. Raudah Eryani
Edufront Inspiring Story Series:
Sora Aisha’s goal is to keep performing well throughout her education journey as well as to excel in Arts and Music.
She is currently in Secondary 1 in Raffles Girls’ School and was in Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah for Primary School.
Madrasahs offer a pedagogical mix of Islamic and secular education, which means she has more subjects to take in school. It was hard for her to focus during revision sometimes as she gets easily distracted.
However, she managed to push herself through the PSLE preparation with the help from her family and Edufront/ NUSA Language Centre tuition.
With a conducive and positive environment to study and with her parents’ supervision, Sora put in her best efforts, believing in herself and strived for success.
Her parents’ never-ending moral support and encouragement motivated her during her preparation for PSLE.
This achievement would not be possible without her hard work, determination, and support from her family.
Congratulations Sora, for the excellent PSLE results with an aggregate score of 267.
May you continue to excel at secondary school and beyond.
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