Common Mistakes When Preparing for PSLE

Are you getting ready to take the primary school leaving examination (PSLE) this year? It can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. There are a lot of tips and tricks to better prepare yourself for this most important exam during your primary school years, but there are also some common mistakes that students make when they’re preparing for their exams. Today we will be talking about 6 such mistakes so you can avoid them during your own preparation! Read on to get started on acing the PSLE in no time!

Mistake #1: Making careless mistakes

Many students tend to make careless mistakes while preparing for the PSLE, which ultimately lead them to losing valuable marks. To avoid this from happening, it’s essential for students to double-check their work and ensure all elements of the question are answered in full and accurately during their daily practice. It is also important for them not to copy answers directly from the sample papers but instead express their ideas in their own words. With thorough practice and revision, mistakes made due to incomplete answers can be easily avoided by the time they take the actual exams!

Mistake #2: Writing incomplete answers

When you are preparing to answer questions in the PSLE exam, it is important to explain your answer in full detail. Short or incomplete answers can cause you to lose valuable marks. Be sure to take your time and give a comprehensive response when writing your answers or completing an answer sheet. Make sure you’re using your own words when providing an explanation rather than copying information from a textbook or online source. Not only will this help you gain better marks, but it will also demonstrate your understanding of the topic or question being asked. Taking some extra time to provide detailed explanations for each question will ensure that you are properly prepared for success on the PSLE.

Mistake #3: Not answering the questions correctly in the PSLE English composition and comprehension exam

Learning how to give the correct answers is one of the most important skills that students need to master before taking their PSLE English Composition, as well as the PSLE English comprehension exam. Many students make the mistake of giving wrong answers, often providing too much information or not enough. In composition exams, it is important to stick to the topic and answer the question directly. This can be done by using a clear structure with an introduction and conclusion that supports your main points. It is also essential to avoid writing too much as this may mean that you don’t have enough time to get all of your ideas down on paper. For the English comprehension exam, make sure you read through the entire passage before attempting any questions so that you are aware of all the information given and can answer appropriately. Finally, when responding to multiple-choice question types, it is advisable to read all options carefully before selecting one as this will help to ensure that the right answers are chosen. Taking the time to learn how to answer questions properly will help you to achieve the best results possible in your PSLE English exams.

Mistake #4: Not showing detailed workings for the PSLE Maths exam

One of the most common mistakes students make in Maths exams, especially for the PSLE, is not showing their workings out clearly and in detail. This is because it’s easy to get stuck on a question, come up with an answer that seems correct, then move onto the next one without bothering to check if it was the correct answer or not. The problem with this approach is that many times, the answer might be slightly wrong but still be close enough that you can’t tell unless you show your step-by-step calculations. Detailed steps are also important because they help the examiner understand how you arrived at your answer and can thus give you credit for partial answers or attempts at solving questions even if they were incorrect.

Mistake #5: Having poor time management

It is important to manage your time wisely when preparing for the PSLE exams, as this will help boost your performance! To do so, manage your time properly during the preparation and revision stage. When the actual exam comes, arrive early at the exam center and go through all the questions before you begin answering them . Once you start answering them, make sure to pace yourself properly – don’t spend too much time on a single question and risk running out of time for other ones. Also, be aware of how much time each section takes and stick with the allocated timeslot accordingly. To ensure that you have enough time to answer all questions properly, practice writing timed tests within the same duration as the actual exam. Finally, make sure to take regular breaks in between sections – this will help you stay fresh and focused throughout the preparation process.

Students classroom

Mistake #6: Trying to cram as much information when studying for the exams

The PSLE is a marathon, not a sprint. Trying to cram as much information in a short period of time won’t help you prepare for the exam effectively and may even cause more harm than good. It’s better to spread out your studies so that you can focus on understanding the material rather than memorizing it. Take regular breaks during study sessions and plan well-rounded studying schedules that prioritize both rest periods and quality learning time. Going through practice exams will also give you an idea of what topics are likely to be tested, which can further inform your study plans. Ultimately, it pays off to take a balanced approach when preparing for the PSLE!


The PSLE can be a daunting test, but with the right preparation, students can feel ready and confident to tackle it. With this list of common mistakes that students make when preparing for the PSLE, you can help ensure that you are getting the best possible preparation for their exam.

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