How Much Does Tuition Cost in Singapore?

We can’t deny that education plays a big role in every country’s development. According to the Ministry of Education Singapore, all Singapore citizens born after 1 January 1996 and living in Singapore must attend a national primary school unless an exemption is granted. This then prompts the question of how much are the tuition fees in Singapore? There’s no easy answer to that. Tuition rates Singapore depend on many factors such as the school teachers, the facilities and many other factors.

While school plays a big role in a child’s development, many parents also enrich the growth of their children by inserting tuition centres to help children get the best of their educational period. Let’s learn more with this article.

What Is the Cost of a Tuition Centre?

The cost of tuition in Singapore differs between one school to another, this also applies with tuition centres. Normally it’d cost somewhere between $20-$80 depending on what level you are on and what kind of teacher you are looking for. We will break down the factors that creates the pricing:

The Level of Education

The level of education such as primary school, secondary school, or university level all plays a role in the pricing because it’d require different kinds of tutors and curriculum.

The usual rates of tutors are somewhere between $25 – $40 per hour depending if you’re looking for part time tutor or full time tutors. At Edufront, we implement the pricing of per subject needed to ensure that students receive proper education whether online or physical classroom.

Types of Tutors

The type of tutors plays a big role in the pricing of tuition fees too. Generally, part time tutors can cost somewhere around $20 – $25 per hour, while full time tutors could cost somewhere around $30 – $40 per hour and if you are looking for ex or current teachers, they can cost somewhere between $40 – $60 per hourly rate.

What are the key differences between the types of tutors?

  1. Part-time tutors usually have around 1 to 3 years of experience and are made up of mostly undergraduate students or students with bachelor’s degree
  2. Full-time tutor would acquire a longer period of experience and have had handled a rich variant of students with different types of education level and subjects
  3. Ex or current teachers would be trained teachers with in depth teaching pedagogy.

Most importantly is to find trained and qualified tutors to maximise the academic potential of your child.

The Environment of the Classroom

The size of the group would also determine the pricing of the tuition fees. Private tutors would have very different pricing to group tuition fees, but the kind of environment the children need also varies from one child to the other. Some children would thrive being in a more lively group, some might benefit from a smaller group. Either way, group tuition rates might be a more beneficial program for students and parents.

General FAQ Regarding Tuition Rates Singapore

  1. How much does tuition cost in Singapore?

    As explained above, tuition rates vary depending on many factors such as the hourly rate, the type of curriculum (primary tuition or secondary tuition), the experience and qualification of the student tutors. Another thing that plays in the factor is the availability of the teachers and the current prevailing market rates.

    Overall, tuition rates may cost somewhere between $25 – $100 per hourly rate for home or private tutor, but affordable tuition rates are also available with group tuition rates.

  2. Are tuition centres worth the price?

    Children may experience a major growth in tuition centres because they are exposed to more educational materials and teachers that may suit their learning style better. This will help children become from average students to top performers in their school.

  3. Should I go with private home tutors or tuition centres?

    Some children may benefit more from a lively environment as they are able to develop a sense of community, healthy competitive spirit and the sense of trying to problem solve themselves while still knowing that there is a tutor available to help when they are stuck with a problem. Home tuition may also be achieved through online learning if students prefer to be in A quieter environment. This way students benefit from being a community but in their own private environment.

  4. Is it better to pay per hour or by subject?

    This depends on preferences, but pricing by subject ensures that students are not rushed to cram a subject in a short amount of time – but rather focusing on understanding the subject thoroughly.

  5. What makes a good tuition centre?

    One that enriches your child! We achieve this through highly trained tutors, all in one specialists and a result oriented method. We use proven teaching methods and resources with excellent track records.

  6. Who can go to tuition centres?

    Anyone can! Kindergarten to primary school to secondary school. Other than primary or secondary programs, there are also language mastery programs that anyone can benefit from.

So, What Is the True Cost of Tuition Centres?

The true cost of tuition centres are small compared to the benefits that your child will be receiving. Tuition centres help children develop outside of school, enable them to become top performers, help them solve problems that they are unable to resolve at school.

In summary, tuition fees differ from one place to another depending on the circumstances and facilities given, but there are many outlets, special pricing and alternatives that may help solve your need. Feel free to get in contact with one of our team for consultation.

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