Primary 4 Math Syllabus Review

Do you have a child who is currently in Primary 4? Are you looking for a syllabus review to help your child prepare for the upcoming school year? If so, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will take a look at the Primary 4 Math Syllabus and provide an overview of what your child can expect in terms of the topics covered. We will also provide some tips on how to best prepare your child for success in primary Mathematics.

Introduction to the Primary 4 Math Syllabus

So, what does the syllabus cover? For starters, it is important to note that the Math Syllabus for Primary schools in Singapore is divided into three main themes: Numbers and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics. Under each of these themes, there are a number of sub-topics that your child will be expected to master by the end of Primary school. Let’s take a closer look at each of these themes.

The first theme, Numbers and Algebra, covers topics such as whole numbers, fractions and decimals. In regard to Measurement and Geometry, your child will learn about time, area and perimeter, angles, and rectangles and squares. Finally, the third theme Statistics will touch on table and line graphs.

What components of whole numbers will your child be learning?

Your child will be expected to understand place value, as well as numbers up to 100 000. In addition, they will need to know about rounding off numbers to the nearest whole number such as ten, one hundred or one thousand, and handling number notation, word problems and number patterns. It is also important for your child to be proficient in the four operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When it comes to multiplication and division specifically, your child will be taught to multiply 4 digits by 1 digit number and 3 digits by 2 digits number.

Another topic that is often covered in whole numbers is common factors and common multiples. This concept can be a little tricky for some children, so it is important to provide extra support at home if needed. A good way to help your child understand this concept is by using visual aids such as manipulatives or models. You can also use word problems to help your child see how this concept can be applied in real-life situations.

Which areas of fractions will be covered?

When it comes to fractions, your child will be expected to understand and use both proper and improper fractions. In addition, they will need to be able to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions, as well as compare related fractions. Your child will also learn about equivalent fractions and how to add and subtract different types of fractions. It is important for your child to be able to visualize fractions using a number line, as this will help them understand the concept of fractions in a more concrete way.

Is decimals part of the Primary 4 Math syllabus?

Yes, decimals are definitely part of the Primary 4 Math syllabus. In terms of what your child will learn, they will be expected to understand place value and the ordering of decimals up to three decimal places. In addition, they should be able to add, subtract, and multiply and divide decimals up to two decimal places.

What must your child know about time and area and perimeter?

When it comes to time, your child will need to be able to tell time using a 24-hour clock. They should also be able to read and write times in words, as well as solve word problems that involve time as a metric. As for area and perimeter, your child will learn how to find the area and perimeter of composite figures made up of squares and rectangles. They will also learn how to describe squares and rectangles in terms of parallel and perpendicular lines.

Which sub topics will be covered under geometry?

There are a few sub topics that will be covered under geometry, such as angles, lines and symmetry. In terms of angles, your child will learn how to measure angles to a specified degree using a protractor. They will also learn about line symmetry, identifying symmetric figures, and drawing a symmetric figure on a square grid.

What will your child learn under statistics?

There are a few things that your child will learn under statistics, such as tables and line graphs. In terms of tables, your child will learn how to interpret information presented in a table. This includes understanding what the title, headings and subheadings represent, as well as the different symbols that are used. As for line graphs, your child will learn how to read and interpret information presented in a line graph. This includes understanding the different parts of a line graph, such as the title, axes, scale, data points and line.

Which topics are more challenging in the Primary 4 Math syllabus?

Some of the more challenging topics in the Primary Four Math syllabus include multiplication and division of larger numbers, common factors and common multiples, and adding and subtracting different types of fractions. These concepts can be a little tricky for some children, so it is important to provide extra support at home if needed.

How can you help your child cope with the Primary 4 Math syllabus?

So, now that you have a better understanding of what is covered in the Primary Math Syllabus, how can you best prepare your child for success? First and foremost, it is important to ensure that your child is attending regular classes and is keeping up with the pace of the lessons. If they are having difficulty understanding a concept, do not hesitate to speak to their teacher so that they can be given additional support. Alternatively, you can sign them up for primary maths tuition classes or hire personal maths tuition teachers to guide your child.

Additionally, there are a number of resources that you can use at home to help your child improve their Math skills. There are many websites, apps, and educational videos that can be used to supplement your child’s learning. You can also find a variety of Math games and activities that will help to make learning more fun for your child. Finally, remember to praise your child’s efforts and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This will help to boost their confidence and motivation levels.


Overall, the Primary Four Maths Syllabus is not too difficult and can be mastered with some consistent effort. Just remember to focus on the key concepts and practice, practice, practice! With that said, all the best in your revision!

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