What is Edufront (e)Rebates?
(e)Rebates is monetary discounts where parents can apply towards weekly programmes fees during priority registration period for the subsequent years.

Terms & Conditions of Edufront (e)Rebates
Parents who have enrolled their children in the weekly program with Edufront (AY2024 from 1st July 2023 – 30th June 2024) are eligible to receive (e)Rebates.
AY2023 (e)Rebates can only be used or redeem during the AY2024 priority registration period, which is from 1 Aug to 31 October 2024
If (e)Rebates are not used by 31 October 2024, they will automatically expire.
Transfer to Another Child:
Parents can transfer (e)Rebates to other child within the same family. For example, if Child A finishes their education, the (e)Rebates can be transferred to siblings who are currently studying or will be newly signed up with Edufront.
Transfer to Another Friend:
Parents can transfer the ownership of their (e)Rebates to another friend who is signing up a new student or a former student. Strictly non-transferable to parent of current student that has accumulate (e)Rebates.